A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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The Victualers, Tapsters and Cookes,
are hindered very sore, With many sharking Rookes,
that vse to encroch on their skore: And when they are once in chalke,
the house they will refraine, And to other places they'l walke,
but neuer come there againe. This trusting without being paid,
breakes many an honest Lad, All honesty is decay 'd,
here's an age would make a man mad.
Plaine dealing now is dead,
and truth is so rare to finde, That most men now are led,
contrary vnto kinde: Where one man's iust and sound,
whose words and deeds agree, A dozen may be found,
that will from their promise flee, Such knaues makes men afraid,
to beleeue a true hearted Lad, For honesty is decay 'd,
here's an age would make a man mad.
Such horrible abuse,
is practis'd in this Nation, A fashion now in vse,
next month is out of fashion: Our men are effeminate,
which all their manhood disgraces, And makes our foes of late,
to ieere vs to our faces, They were of vs afraid,
when English hearts wee had, Our honour is much decay V,
here's an age would make a man mad.
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